Saturday, December 19, 2009

This Week's Acquisitions

The new goodies of the week:

- Student Notebooks at Colonial Harvard: Manuscripts and Educational Practice, 1650-1740 by Thomas Knoles, Lucia Zaucha Knoles, and Rick Kennedy (AAS, 2003). Raven.

- Paradise Lost and the Rise of the American Republic by Lydia Dittler Schulman (Northeastern University Press, 1992). Raven.

- Journals and Journeymen: A Contribution to the History of Early American Newspapers by Clarence Saunders Brigham (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1950). Raven.

- A Sentimental Journey and Other Writings by Laurence Sterne (OUP, 2003). Raven.

- Printing Places: Locations of Book Production & Distribution Since 1500; edited by John Hinks and Catherine Armstrong (Oak Knoll, 2005). Raven.

- A Place of Greater Safety by Hilary Mantel (Picador, 2006). Harvard Bookstore.

- A Gambling Man: Charles II's Restoration Game by Jenny Uglow (FSG, 2009). Publisher.

- Humanism and Libraries: An Essay on the Philosophy of Librarianship by André Cossette (Library Juice Press, 2009). Publisher.